Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Day 1

So if you're unsure as to what "Day 1" means, "Day 1" is the first day of the 30 day devos challenge! Starting today, and for the next 29 days, I'm going to put up what I got each morning for my devos.

I WOULD LOVE if you also shared with me what you got for your devotions. Whether it be a summary of what you got, just posting the verses, maybe getting some S.O.A.P on (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) I want to hear about it!  So comment, send me a link to your blog showing your daily devos, shoot me an email. There's something about sharing God's Word with your brothers and sisters that's incredibly encouraging. Plus I just love hearing what God is speaking into your lives!

Isaiah 48:17 This is what the Lord says-your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is good for you and leads you along the paths you should follow. (NLT)

O The Lord, through the prophet Jeremiah has been berating Israel on and off for the last 47 chapters, and yet God still chooses to forgive and gently lead Israel in the right direction.  Despite Israel's rebelliousness, God continues to teach them and lead them. Crazy!

A  If the Lord does that for Israel, will He not do the same for me? Heck yes He will and does! Grace through Jesus Christ makes me clean and the Lord continues to lead me onto His path.  Even when I stray.  He continues to teach me even when I wander. I can have faith in His promise and know His ways are the best for me.

P  Lord, thank you for Your grace. Thank you for always teaching and guiding me without fail.  Even when I disregard You, You still want and patiently wait for me. Help me to stay on your path and follow your teachings rather than rebel.  You are my God and I will follow you.

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